Story Time: Vietnam's World Cup Watch Party
I took a lot of great photos from the watch party, but this one is my fave. ❤️🥹🇻🇳

Having Grandma and Grandpa fly in from Houston to attend this historic game for Team Vietnam really meant so much to me.
Standing there in a crowd of over 3k fans in Downtown Portland, watching and listening as the Vietnamese national anthem played for the FIRST TIME EVER in a women’s World Cup, was indescribable.
But the best part was looking up to where my grannies were sitting and to see the look of joy, pride and peace wash over their faces.
Their lives in Vietnam and their journey to raising a family of refugees in America — I couldn’t help but think of it all.
I think about how it was sport that taught me hard work, dedication, independence and teamwork. I think about how it was a trip to Vietnam that changed how I viewed the world and my place in it. I think about how women my grandparents age didn’t even have the opportunity to play and to learn, to know, all the things that sport taught me.
Sports are so important and how they resonate with us as individuals, as humans, as groups, teams, countries and communities — it isn’t just about play, athleticism, strength.
It’s about PEOPLE — our stories, our history, our lives and our future.

I am so grateful for all the many hands that helped to make Friday night a success. From our dozens of volunteers @pcfcsoccer to our in-kind sponsors — this is only possible with the help of community.
From AV @reallybigvideo, to the DJ @libra_rising_music to the incredible food trucks and Vietnamese vendors @mattapdx @heydaypdx @mama.dut.foods — a huge HUGE THANK YOU!
And of course, to the people who SHOWED UP to celebrate this beautiful sport in our amazing city — I am so humbled, proud and grateful. The attendance and vibes were legit and unbelievable!!!