Story Time: Trophy Wall
We’re just less than a month out from our one-year anniversary of opening the doors to The Sports Bra. And because I am grossly sentimental, y’all gone hafta bear with me as I share some stories. ☺️
This picture is from this day last year: March 2nd, 2022.
My friend @jjgreengreen who I met playing basketball years ago, is a realtor here in town and stages homes.
When thinking of people who could possibly help me with ANY AND EVERYTHING, I thought, “Hmmm. I wonder who could hang all these things up and make it look good?”
JJ was the first person to come to mind. She’s got an eye for design and interior layouts so I just asked her and she generously and emphatically said yes!!
I remember I’d been running around like a chicken with no head and so when she arrived I showed her all the items I’d hoped to showcase. Then I said, “I’m so sorry. I gotta run. Here are the keys to the shop. I’ll be back in like 3 hours!”
She brought all her own tools and a whole kit of handywoman knickknacks and of course, her unmistakable smile and gentle confidence. She bid me adieu and I was off.
When I returned, the wall looks much as it does now — iconic.
Feel free to follow along all month long, as I recount the days leading up to our Grand Opening.
Thank you JJ for helping to curate and create the perfect backdrop for The Bra. ❤️🙌🏼✨